Napoleon Hill wrote a book called "You Can Work Your Own Miracles". I know you can do just that.
The journey to your miracles will be different than anyone else. Yet, in over 4 years of doing these calls, I've learned we all face the same challenges at different times on our own unique paths. There are answers and wisdom inside this mastermind that will save you years of time, frustration, confusion, and tons of money. 
Dr. Joe always says "Expect Miracles!" Now you have a place to work on them.

Hey there, I'm Chuck Pennington

That's me in the picture there with Dr. Joe on one of over 4 years' worth of calls we did for Zero Limits Mentoring. I've also been working for and with Dr. Joe for over 15 years on...well, everything.

From websites, to copy, to ads, business ideas, and strategy, to Zero Limits Mentoring and all his other courses, private masterminds, and coaching programs I've been Dr. Joe's friend, ally, and right-hand man.

The 4-year run we had was awesome. But, Dr. Joe being himself, he's made some big things happen and he's got to be moving on from Zero Limits Mentoring.

I mentioned Napoleon earlier. One of the cool things that's happened is that Dr. Joe is now President of The Napoleon Hill Foundation! That's huge!

Yep, Dr. Joe is moving on, but he wants Zero Limits Mentoring to carry on and he's passed the torch to me as head coach of the team.

We would love to help private, one-on-clients, but Dr. Joe and everything we have going on keeps me hopping!
So, we've built a team of Certified ZERO LIMITS MENTORS!

Now, you can get access to me and the rest of the ZERO LIMITS MENTORING TEAM. 

Watch this video and I'll explain how it all works, what you get when the calls are, and how to get started.


What This Program Is

A Team of Mentors and Coaches

You will now have access to 5 Certified ZERO LIMITS MENTORS that are in time zones all over the world. It's like having access to your own personal consulting team. All of them are well-versed in Dr. Joe's teachings, but all have different specialties. From business, to mindset, to spiritual....we've got you covered.

Personal Transformation

Dr. Joe always asks, "What do you want to have, do, and be?" Take a moment and answer that question for yourself. If you have a burning desire for the things you want to have, do, and be...then let's get started. This is about making the big transformations you want to make and creating your best version of life.

Building Your Business, if you want

We can help you build your business and act as an advisor and consultant. If you've already got a business, I can help you grow and scale. If you don't have a business I can show you the real-world demands and help you decide if it's right for you.

Embracing the Universe of Possibility

There are many different ways to create the Zero Limits Life you desire. The universe is full of ways to create your life and we don't try to pigeon-hole you into any one way. There's not just an abundance of money, but there's an abundance of people, ideas, methods, and an abundance of inspired action you can take.

Customized Solutions for You

We are not locked into any particular systems which means I can meet you where you are with what you have and we can start from there. Whether it's a spiritual or business transformation or both that you seek, we will tap Dr. Joe's Applied Wisdom from all his areas of expertise to create a solution that works for you. 

Starting right now, where you are with what you have

We'll meet you where you are right now. If you are just beginning your journey awesome. If you're a seasoned pro I've got you covered too. Everyone is in a different place in our progression we understand and embrace that. Whether it's business, spiritual, mindset, or action we start where you are and go from there. 

Applied Wisdom from Seasoned Pros

Knowledge is everywhere and there is an avalanche of information out there...too much. WISDOM is a rare and valuable jewel. And when you have that rare and valuable jewel custom cut and polished to your life's design you have the rarest jewel of all...APPLIED WISDOM. Between Dr. Joe and The ZERO LIMITS Team, we have over 75 years of combined experience creating life-changing transformations in people's lives and businesses.

What This Is NOT

One Lone Point of View...on your own

Most coaching or mentoring programs are simply canned videos from one point of view. Once you sign up you're on your own to figure out how their system fits into your life. That's why most folks are left frustrated and confused about why the promises didn't come true.

Do What the Guru Does

This isn't a program where "The Guru" has a single system where you are taught to emulate the behaviors of said guru.  This is about applying wisdom to your situation. It's not about you fitting into a mold, it's about molding the clay of your life into your version of something wonderful.

Get Rich Quick BS

If you want to start a business or add an extra stream of income to your portfolio, you're in the right place. We'll plan and implement solid, proven business models and strategies that fit your unique scenario and desires, not some flash-in-the-pan BS.

Forcing you Into Entrepreneurship

A lot of coaches want to steer you into creating a business. It is a great way to add an extra stream of income to your life. However, being a full-time entrepreneur is not for everyone. I can help you figure out very quickly whether it is or isn't and what you can do to add income without all the risk of going all in at once.

Forcing you into Generic Solutions

Everyone's journey is different and our paths are as equally different. No single tool, method, or system will fit everyone. Different solutions are needed at different times and all that depends on where you are along your path.  We can help you with the mindset and the skillset to make your custom transformation.

Sink or Swim from the Middle of The Ocean...in a hurricane

Yeah, overwhelm is a thing. What do I need to know, when do I need to know it, am I doing this in the right order? ...all of it. We'll assume we are starting from square one and we'll go from there. You'll also get the support you need with weekly calls and the others in the group that going for their dream too.

Canned Systems From A Newbie

There's surely no shortage of courses and systems you can buy, but how do you know if the canned system is really what you need right now? Most people will experience flashy-blinky object syndrome at least once and buy something without knowing how to apply it in their business. We'll talk about where you are right now. Then we'll talk about what you want to have, do, and be. Then we'll customize a plan for you and keep you moving ahead.  
  •  An entire team of Certified ZERO LIMITS MENTORS. This team has been hand selected by Dr. Joe and Chuck to bring all aspects of Dr. Joe's teaching to the table for you. Dr. Joe has personally certified each member of the team. This allows us to meet you where you are, with what you have, and create a customized journey just for you.
  • ​Over 15 Years of Working Directly with Dr. Joe: Chuck Pennington has had the absolute pleasure of working with Dr. Joe for over a combined 15 years. He ran the Zero Limits Mentoring program for a 4 year run with Dr. Joe. He is responsible for running a large majority of everything Dr. Joe Vitale. From business and product ideas to consulting, to websites, to copywriting, to systems...pretty much soup to nuts. From boot-strap to scaling, We've got you covered.
  • Over 40 Combined Years of Internet Marketing and Entrepreneurial skills: The ZERO LIMITS Team has the experience in real world scenarios, running real business using the modern technology of the internet and all it's wonderful tools.  We can craft a solution that fits you and your situation.
  • ​Over 50 Combined Years of Corporate IT and business management skills: The team has over 50 years of corporate business skills that will prove invaluable to you. It's all the boring stuff you have to do. We can help you create all of the plain 'ol, mundane processes without numbing your brain.
  • Mastermind Experience: Chuck teaches and runs the Mastermind portion of Dr. Joe's live events. He is also co-pilot on his Miracles Mastermind Meetings where we meet private clients in person. The  entire ZERO LIMITS Team uses masterminds in the daily operation of their individual businesses. We all know the process Dr. Joe uses during these masterminds and will bring that process to the table during our meetings. You will learn how to use the power of the mastermind for your business's personal transformation goals. You can work your own miracles.
  • Accountability: As much as we can teach you and help you, we can't make the transformations you want for you. Once we make your action plans, Kristen and Michelle will make sure you stick to them. You've got to commit to taking action toward your transformations. You can't just learn about playing the guitar...you must pick up and play it for yourself.
  • Applied Wisdom: Knowledge and Information are everywhere. But how do you make sense of it all and apply it to your life and your unique scenario? Whatever your personal transformation desires are, we'll design a plan together and keep you progressing toward your goals. 
  • ​Business Consultant and Strategist: We've worked with Dr. Joe for over 15 years in creating everything the world knows about him. From high-level conceptual discussions to the nitty-gritty details of implementation, we help Dr. Joe in making sense of it all. Think of what it would be like to have that kind of experience on your team.
  • Systems Knowledge: In working with almost all of the major software systems out there over the years, we know which ones you need and when you need them. We can also keep you from wasting money on stuff you don't need or aren't ready for yet. But when you are, we know all of the systems you'll need and how to put them together.
  • ​​Speed and Precision: Money loves speed...and so does Dr. Joe. The recurring comment when we work with other teams is, "Man, y'all work fast!". We can help you decide what to do and then get it done. We've done hundreds of products and funnels over our combined 35 years for Dr. Joe and others. Once we make the decisions that need to be made, it's go-time with all speed. We'll bring that experience and skill to your projects too.
  • ​Sequencing: Whether it's a personal or a business transformation, it's confusing and disheartening when you do things in the wrong order. It can destroy your confidence and take you even further away from your goals.
  • Dr. Joe and The Team Know People - Building and Scaling: When you're ready, our team knows the folks that make the movies, scale the coaching programs, fine-tune your marketing messages with teams of skilled designers, create teams of sales closers, deliver your coaching to the world, and all the big stuff you see happening out there. But if you do it all before you're ready it can be confusing, frustrating, demoralizing, on top of costing you a lot of extra time and money. 
  • ​Bootstrapping vs. having budget: We've all done both and each is a different skill set and mindset. Each has different demands that we can help you understand and navigate. Actually, each time Dr. Joe and the team approaches a project it's really the same question. Are we going to depend on what we have in place or are we going to buy traffic and spend money on ads or other traffic? You are going to have to make this same decision.
  • Ads: Chuck created the Self Liquidating Offer that builds Dr. Joe's main lists. You may even be here because of it. What is an SLO? Well, we can discuss what it is and get you ready to try one of your own. But again, you have to have the backend processes in place to make it worthwhile. Imagine not having to figure all that out for yourself.
  • Copywriting: One of Dr. Joe's copywriter is also on the team. They've been approved to write sales, website, and email copy for one of the best copywriters in the world. It's one of the most expensive things to get done for you. You could spend years and thousands learning this skill or you can take this shortcut and have me help you.
  • Product Creation and Delivery: What makes a good course or membership? Is it just posting a bunch of videos? What else do you need and where do you put them? How do people access your courses and how do you take money for them? 
  • Writing and Publishing books: Dr. Joe and Chuck wrote a book live in front of an audience in 3 hours one Saturday afternoon. That's just one of a bunch of different ways to create a book. You'll get access to that and everything it took to publish it for sale. Writing a book isn't as hard as you might think.
  • ​Content Creation: Yeah, yeah, yeah...you need to post on the socials...but what? Where? What will bring you people that want your stuff? what will waste your time and effort? 
  • Mindset and Skillset combined: You've got to address both. One without the other just doesn't work as well. You can take an active role in creating the environment of your mind. When you have a cleaner mental space, the skills you learn and apply will have a much greater transformative effect.
  • Esoteric, Spiritual and LOA: We can go as deep as you want to go into the woo-woo part of things too. Team member Harry B Happy will explore the Harmony of Energy with you and take on a journey of your own mind.
  • Meditation and clearing: One thing missing in darn near every coaching/mentoring program is mindfulness and clear sub-conscious thoughts, feeling, and beliefs. We believe it's key to creating long-term sustained success. PLUS, it just feels good.
  • Life Creation and Structure: No one really talks about this in coaching programs any of us has been a part of...How to actually go about constructing the life you want to live. How do you actually get from where you are to where you want to be? What do you want to keep and what needs to be let go? How do you create that which you desire? How do know what you really desire?
  • Ask us anything: Yes, we all have our specialties, but we are also all well-versed in all of Dr. Joe's teachings. You can ask us all anything...about anything.
  • ​Making Big Leaps: With big dreams come big leaps. So how do you break it all down into manageable jumps? We'll start now, right where you are, with what you have. Then we'll ask, "What do you want to have, do, and be?" And then we will take inspired action and build the bridge from where you are to where you want to be.
  • A Burning Desire to make a transformation: Otherwise known as Your Big Why. You have to have fuel that will make your desire burn like the sun. If you're just kinda feeling it, that ain't gonna be enough. People generally don't make big transformations without fuel for the fire.
  •  An ability to let go of the past: There is some time for backstory, but we can't live there. This is about moving forward, actively re-writing the stories of the past, and creating your new future. You are a creative being and you have the power to create your best version of life.
  • ​Inspired Action: You will need to move and stir the water. It's simply part of the rules of this game we play. Nothing happens until something moves. This isn't sittin' and wishin'. Inspired Action is a special type of action that is in harmony with the things in life you desire and that brings value to your customers and those around you.
  • Time: You have to be able to set aside some time out of your current scenario to work your miracle.
  • ​An open mind: Forget what you think is hard and forget what you think is easy. A lot of times it's the exact opposite. You have to be comfortable with the fact that the more you know, the more you know you don't know. And that's a good thing. That represents an expanding universe of possibility.
  • An open heart: Let go of the judgment for yourself and others. Forgive your past self and treat your current self with compassion. Be grateful to yourself for reaching out to find growth and expansion.
  • ​Budget: I'm not in this to take people's lunch money. I understand this program isn't for everyone. However, my time and the time of everyone working on Zero Limits Mentoring is valuable and I don't work with slackers or those that don't have real-world experience in their areas of consultancy. If it's not right for you now, Dr. Joe gives a ton of free stuff away on the internet.

NOW with 5 LIVE Interactive Sessions
each month!

Each week of every month you'll get the consultation and support services you want and need to make the life changing transformations you desire.
PLUS - A 30-minute Onboarding Consultation to help get you started.

CALL #1 - LIVE! Zero Limits Mentoring Video Meetings with Certified ZERO LIMITS Mentor Chuck Pennington

1 Monthly Group Meeting - 1st Wednesday of each month at 7 PM Central USA. (Home Base - United States)

These will be meetings, not webinars. You'll be live on the call and be able to ask questions and get clarification on anything you want. 

We can work directly on your projects at any stage from beginning to end.  We can do site and project reviews where we can screen share and work on your projects directly. 

You can bring any question about anything to the table. You can also get all the mindset help and support you need to keep you on track and moving forward.

Accountability is a key part of making the big transformations you want. Together we can make sure to keep your progress steady.

CALL #2 - A live Onboarding call with Certified ZERO LIMITS Mentor Kristen Swinehart. 
Plus a one hour monthly group Concierge call

A LIVE small group Onboarding Call (Tuesdays at 6 pm Central) - We'll discuss what you want to have, do, and be and what you need to get you there. Then, we'll customize a plan just for you and your transformations.

Office Hours Meetings with Kristen Swinehart - 1st Tuesday at 7 PM Central USA  (Home Base - United States)

There are tons of great resources and mentors in this program, but how do you when you need each one? Kristen will help you with making sure you are always getting the right help for your individual scenario. She is like your Concierge at a fine hotel. Whatever you want or need, Kristen will make sure you have it.

Kristen began her professional journey as an attorney, honing her critical thinking and advocacy skills. After practicing law Kristen held several positions in sales from selling high-end fitness franchises to high-ticket coaching programs where she excelled in building relationships and understanding clients' needs. 

 Kristen transitioned from the corporate world to follow her passion for helping others as a health and intuitive coach, guiding individuals to achieve their wellness goals and tap into their inner wisdom. Now, as a medium, Kristen blends her diverse expertise to offer unique insights and support to clients, helping them navigate both personal and professional landscapes with clarity and confidence.

CALL #3 - LIVE! Zero Limits Mentoring Video Meetings with Certified ZERO LIMITS Mentor Dawn Morgan

A 1-hour Affiliate, LIVE Summits, and General Business Call

Office Hours Meetings with Dawn Morgan - Thursdays at 1 PM Central USA  (Home Base - Spain)

Dawn has spent decades building relationships and helping people develop their skills, knowledge, mindset, and businesses. Helping people, young and old expand their worlds, achieve their goals, find direction, and community, and build strong minds. 

From start-ups to established businesses, implementing processes and training staff; to her volunteer work with teenagers, Dawn’s focus has always been on each and every individual; encouraging choice, uniqueness, and self-discovery. As an experienced coach, Joint Venture manager, and clinical hypnotherapist; she finds fulfillment in helping others.

CALL #4 - LIVE! Zero Limits Mentoring Video Meetings with Certified ZERO LIMITS Mentor Michelle Bassett

A 1-hour Accountability and Zero Limits Mastery Curriculum Specialist Call

Office Hours Meetings with Michelle Bassett - 
3rd Thursday of each month at 3 PM Central USA (Home Base - Brisbane, Australia)

Michelle has worked with Dr. Joe in creating the ZERO LIMITS MASTERY program and has over 15 years of experience working with lots of big-time names in the online sales and coaching space.

She is a world-class accountability specialist and business process consultant who facilitates personal and professional growth, focusing on various areas of expertise to promote skill enhancement and knowledge transfer. She also brings a lifetime of experience in training and coaching, delivering dynamic working and learning environments that support rapid growth, leading change in the ‘New’ and delivering measurable benefits and outcomes.

CALL #5 - LIVE! Zero Limits Mentoring Video Meetings with Certified ZERO LIMITS Mentor Harry B Happy

A 1-hour Spiritual, Clearing and, Energy Work Specialist Call

Office Hours Meetings with Harry B Happy- Thursdays at 1 PM Central USA (Home Base - United States)

Harry is a former Buddhist Monk, music producer and energy healer practicing and teaching energy healing since 1997, He transforms his clients lives through the practice of Ho’Oponopono, Reiki, Adhisthana healing, Medicine Buddha healing,42 eyes and hands of the Great Compassion Sutra. 

He first started practicing Ho’oponopono in 2008 and after a short period of time he transformed his healing practice using this powerful technique. One of the main practices at the Harry B-Happy Center for Vibrational Healing in Houston, TX is performing Healing empowerments using Gongs, Singing Bowls,Chanting and Ho’oponopono, Transforming the world one session at a time.

That's a team of 5 dedicated experts and 5 times a month you get access to them. We are also spread out across time zones so there's always a call that works for you.

PLUS - All of these bonuses!

Access to the Zero Limits Mentoring Archive. Live "Ask Dr. Joe Anything" webinars with Host Chuck Pennington. Over 100 Video Calls!

Dr. Vitale and Chuck Pennington have been doing 3 Zero Limits Mentoring webinars a month for over 4 years! As a VIP Member, you'll get access to all of the ZERO LIMITS Mentoring episodes where Dr. Joe and Chuck have answered every question asked in amazing detail. The cool thing about this program is that eventually, we all come around to asking some of the same questions about life and our journey through it. You'll get instant access to over 4 years, over 100 sessions, of Zero Limits Mentoring recordings.

Access to The Five Questions Live Book Creation Course

This was an amazing event you have to see to believe! If you talk to Dr. Joe for more than about ten minutes he'll be telling you what book you ought to write. The Five Questions is the book he saw in me. We both wanted to show everyone in the Zero Limits Mentoring Program how truly easy it is to write a book...and how sometimes you don't have to "write it" at all. 

So, one Saturday afternoon, Dr. Joe and I wrote a book, The Five Questions, LIVE in front of an audience via video conference. And we recorded it for you to see. Not only that, I'll walk you through, step-by-step to publish the book for sale on Amazon. All of it is part of the Zero Limits Mentoring Membership.

The Vitale Vault

A select series of training programs hand-picked by Dr. Joe himself to supplement your mentoring experience. These resources are like the greatest hits albums of your favorite bands...all the best an artist has to offer. 

You'll not only get new teaching, mentoring, and live calls, but you'll also get the best from his historic catalog. Everything you need to begin and sustain your journey into your best life.
You get the full replays PLUS all the best questions and answers ARE GROUPED by category for easy access!
these specially curated sections are wormholes of wisdom that jump you from one side of the universe to the other AT WARP SPEED.
saving you lightyears of figuring it out yourself!
Mind Mechanics
Discover the inborn abilities that allow you to co-create your reality as you desire.
How to use Ho'oponopono
One of, if not the most powerful clearing and perception clearing tools available.
Karmic Marketing
The principles and practices Dr. Joe has used, and still uses to build his empire.
Belief Clearing Practices
Limiting beliefs and counter-intentions can be a big block. There are many tools for you.
Law of Atraction
When applied correctly it's powerful and fun. Misunderstood it's frustrating. 
Getting Right with Money
How you think and feel about money means everything in your ability to attract it.
Creating Businesses
From a beginning side hustle to a sustainable, scalable business. Let's grow your dream.
Video Content and Audiences
Your audience awaits! Who are they? Where are they? What do I do with them?
Content and  Courses
Package your skills, stories, and knowledge so people can give you money in exchange for value
Authorship and Book Creation
Being an author is a dream for most. It sets you apart from the crowd. It's easier than you think
Getting Clear & Awakening
There are four stages to Awakening. What stage are you in? Let's talk.
Dr. Joe's Words of Wisdom
Dr. Joe's opening remarks have a cool way of covering wild range of amazing topics.


  • Receive the Information, Inspiration, and Ignition to keep you on track, focused, confident, and living the ZERO LIMITS Mindset in every area of your life with replay footage of Dr. Joe and over 4 years of Zero Limits Mentoring call replays.
  • This is the easiest, most cost effective way to access Dr. Joe Vitale's applied wisdom...It's a MUST-HAVE to maintain your progress.
  • Learn how to live The ZERO LIMITS LifeStyle. Inner Game + Outer Game + Inspired Action = Positive, Permanent Change.
  • ZERO LIMITS Mentoring is the prefect mix of mindset training, technical skill sets, and the practical knowledge you need to create the life you desire.
  • Experience the exact same process Dr. Joe uses during his Miracles Mastermind private coaching sessions reserved for only a select few each year.


  • Mindset & Habits...Learning stuff is cool, but how do you get yourself from where you are to where you want to be? And even Mindset is only part of the equation. Learn what habits you'll need to develop to create long term success from your ZERO LIMITS Team.
  • Skills & Sequence...The entire Zero Limits Team will be available to teach you all of the tech we use and how and when to apply it to your business and projects.
  • Action & Implementation...Taking Inspired Action is absolutely key to your ability to manifest the the things and situations you desire. It's the catalyst, the missing secret most people miss. The Zero Limits Team gives you the tough love you need to keep on track and taking action.
  • The Toolbox...Questions about your online business? We will help guide you to the right tool at the right time. Together, they will help you discover the best most cost effective ways to build your business.
  • ​Community & Support...You'll get the sneaking suspicion that people are out to help you! Join the ZERO LIMITS Mastermind online community and be part of one of the best masterminds on the web. FREE as part of your membership.
Also, when you sign up today you're going to get INSTANT ACCESS TO these 10 MIND-EXPANDING bonuses!

Consciously Creating Results video course

This is one of my best courses on manifestation! I want to take the best of the best, the best of everything I've learned, everything I've taught, and put it in this course in bite sizes so it's manageable, and you can immediately implement it, to get the results you've been longing for.

Beginners Guide to Miracles video course

Based on my book The Miracle...This is a Six Step video guide to creating and expecting miracles in your life. It's a journey through the gift of enlightenment. 

Beginners Guide to Money video course

When people ask me where to start in regards to creating a winning Money Mindset, this is where I tell them to come. Based on my book Attract Money Now, this video series is my answer to the question, "How can I get right with money?"

Beginners Guide to Ho'oponopono video course

Clarity is key...Ho'oponopono is one of, if not the most effective clearing tool I know...and I've spent my life searching out clearing techniques! Let me guide you through everything you need to know about getting started and using Ho'oponopono in your life. 

Marketing and Writing resource library

Once you've created a product or service, written your book, or have a cause, you're going to need to let people know about it! I've included a great set of resources based on my Hypnotic Writing techniques.

Mastermind Resources

Mastermind groups are one of the important keys to my success. I want you to know how you create and use your own mastermind groups. I've included all the resources you need to get started quickly and easily.

The Abundance Manifesto

Abundance is about living in a world of possibilities – and acting quickly on the ones that divinely inspire you. There’s only one thing that can stop you…your own mind. Fortunately, you can change that.  With this little book, The Abundance Manifesto, you can expand your own capacity to receive all the good things in life.

The Divine Whiteboard Meditation

One of my favorite places to teach from is what I call...The Whiteboard. It represents the clarity of mind where Divine Inspiration can find you. The meditation will help serve as a tuning fork or touchstone to keep you in that place of clarity. It's one of my most requested meditations.

The Secret Prayer

The Secret Prayer is also one of my top requested meditations. It is a request to the Divine for manifestation of miracles in your life. Again, this is a tuning fork of sorts to help you keep your vibrations high and in the direction of love and gratitude.

ZERO LIMITS Mastermind

COMMUNITY...This might be the most important and valuable reason to join ZERO LIMITS Mentoring. As an active member, you'll be part of the exclusive, invitation-only ZERO LIMITS Mastermind Facebook Group. Get the help, support, and accountability you need to live your life with ZERO LIMITS.

Let's Talk About the Value of Everything You Receive When You Invest in Yourself by Joining the Zero Limits Mentoring family.
Watch the video below and I'll explain the value...
HINT: It's different for everyone.


You get 5 LIVE Video Meetings with your 
Certified Zero Limits Mentoring Team.

5 Monthly Video Group Meetings via Zoom -  One each week of every month, two the first week!
Session 1 - Kristen Swinehart - 1st Tuesday of each month at 7 PM Central USA
Session 2 - Chuck Pennington - 1st Wednesday of each month at 7 PM Central USA.
Session 3 - Harry B Happy Bartholomew - 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7 PM Central USA
Session 4 - Dawn Morgan - 3rd Tuesday of each month at 11 AM Central USA
Session 5 - Michelle Bassett  - 4th Wednesday of each month at 3 PM Central USA

PLUS: A LIVE onboarding call with Kristen Swinehart on Tuesdays at 6 PM Central

VALUE: You have to decide. How much is having your own personal consultant team worth to you?

The Zero Limits LIVE Onboarding Consultation.

A LIVE onboarding call - to make sure you have what you need to get started.

You will see several assessment surveys when you log in to the Zero LImits Member's area. Once you let us know more about you and what you want to have, do, and be, you can book your live consultation with our onboarding specialist. We want to make sure you have everything you need and get off to a fast and meaningful start.

VALUE: You have to decide. How much is having a guiding hand worth to you?

The Zero Limits Mentoring Archive.

You get instant, On-Demand access to over 100 hours of video replays of all of the previous Zero Limits Mentoring video webinars. That's over 36 hours with Dr. Joe...at his hourly rate...well if you have to ask you can't afford it.  And then there are 72 hours more with Chuck Pennington...his hourly rate is also probably more than you could afford as a private consulting client. What you get is applied wisdom for your scenario.

VALUE: You have to decide. How much are the transformations you want to make worth to you?

The Five Questions Authorship Course.

A large majority of the people that join Zero Limits Mentoring end up wanting to become an author. Having written over 85 books, Dr. Joe is a leading expert on what it takes to be an author and the many ways you can do it. One Saturday afternoon Dr. Joe and Chuck wrote a book...LIVE in front of a live audience in about 3 hours. You'll get instant access to all of the videos of the live event and all the background videos of Chuck showing you how to publish your book on Amazon.

VALUE: I can't tell you...if you want to write a book, probably pretty valuable. If not, not so much.

The Zero Limits Mentoring Private Mastermind.

This is your own private Mastermind! Work out Joint Venture business deals, arrange interviews with fellow members, bounce ideas off of one another, get website and project reviews, and generally get the extra help you need in a safe space from a group of like-minded folks.

VALUE: If you take action and interact probably a pretty good amount. If you don't, again, probably not much.

The Vitale Vault and Other Bonuses.

Everything in the Vitale Vault enhances and helps to complete your experience in Zero Limits Mentoring. Each of the 10 parts of the Vault is easily worth whatever you put into it.

VALUE: It's all about you.

OK...Let's See What We're Looking at Here.

So, the value you get from Zero Limits Mentoring is...
Entirely up to you and relative to your situation.

But, the ZERO LIMITS MENTORING TEAM'S time is valuable and limited. 
We can help you work on your miracles in a way that will cut years off your learning curves and save you way more than you'll ever spend on this program.

Reserve your seat for only $797 per month.

No Contract. Cancel anytime. Here's my guarantee: If you don't think it's worth 10x your investment with in the first 30 days We'll gladly give you money back and thank you for giving it a try.

Nope...No free trial. From our experience, you've got to have some skin in the game or you won't take it seriously.
Plus, it's a service nightmare.

So, What's the Alternative?
If you're trying to learn something new and make changes in your life you've only got a few options.

1. Do it on your own.

2. Get some help.

3. Don’t make the changes.

If you try something like cooking, learning the guitar, building a business, or creating a new spiritual practice all on your own, it takes more time, money, and effort than if you get help and support...a guide so-to-speak.

That's where the two real choices come into play.

Option 1...If you go it alone, you have to start from zero. Then you have to go and find information and use it for a trial and error process, test for yourself what works and doesn't, etc...that could take a very long time.

Option 2...getting help will do a few things for you.  

It will save you time by letting a person who has gone through that trial-and-error process eat the learning curve for you.

It will save you effort. You can take advantage of the pain and time outlay of someone else. 

It will save you money. If you don't have a guide, you can end up spending too much money where you don't need to because of "Flashy-Shiny Object Syndrome". A guide can show you what works and not have you waste your precious time on what doesn't.

I'm not going to blow smoke up your bottom hole and tell you it's worth this or that much. Like I said before, the value of all this is all up to you and it's all relative to each person's situation. 

The Bottom Line...

When you get help, you will get closer to your transformation goals faster, easier, and for less money.

And there ya go...

The result: You create life on your own terms. A life of Zero Limits.
Here's What Previous Students Have Said...
Success comes from taking action, committing to yourself to be the force of change and taking the steps needed to create that change. You don't have to do it alone.
...This Was An Amazing Experience...
It's this genuine spirit felt that allowed MasterHeart ideas to flow, including uncovering blocks within me every heart impulse and create grandly. I'd recommend this experience to ANY person desiring a powerful launch pad, willing to fuel Your Self going forward.
Mark Tarpinian
...Cannot be Expressed in Words Alone...
Just in the first 15 minutes I got so many amazing prosperity ideas and concepts that will definitely help me increase my abundance and joy in life. Dr. Joe Vitale is someone who you must master mind with to take your entire life to the next level.
Jennifer Nicole Lee
...We Felt the HUGE Shift Because of This...
I believe that we all need a “kick” or “shift” in our lives, and Dr. Joe Vitale is the one that can give it. Thank you, Joe, for this opportunity to clean with you and clear my path to a better understanding and live our purpose in this lifetime.
Scott & Joani Steffens
I am going to take ALL the risk, so you don't have to. If at any time within the first 30 days you are not satisfied with the "Zero Limits Mentoring" in ANY way, I'll force you to take your money back. I am so confident in this program that I back you with my personal unconditional "Iron Clad" no questions asked money back guarantee. 

All we ask is that you go through the training and put the principals into practice!
Chuck Pennington
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